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A Plurilingual Approach for Foreign Language Education in Japan

Enriching Learners' Metalinguistic Awareness through Comparative Sino-Japanese EFL Textbook Research

定価: 8,800 (本体 8,000 円+税)


王 林鋒(わん りんふぉん)
2008年 西南大学大学院教育学研究科カリキュラム及び教授法専攻修士
2015年 東京大学大学院教育学研究科教職開発専攻博士課程満期退学
2017年4月―2022年3月 福井大学連合教職大学院 特命助教
2022年4月―現在    大阪教育大学多文化教育系 特任准教授
執筆, 2019, ひつじ書房), 『辞書引き学習、海を渡る:汎用的語彙学習方略
モデルの開発』(分担執筆, 2024, 三省堂)など

Chapter1/Research Background: Textbook Research in an EFL Context
 1.1 Introduction to English Textbook Research
 1.2 English Textbooks in Japan: An Overview
 1.3 English Textbooks in China: An Overview
 1.4 A Descriptive Analysis of Japanese and Chinese English Language Curricula
 1.5 Core Focus of This Study
 1.6 Purpose of the Present Study
 1.7 Thesis Outline

Chapter2/Literature Review: Towards a Descriptive Model for EFL Textbook Unit Analysis
 2.1 Introduction
 2.2 A Review of Descriptive Models
 2.3 A Descriptive Model for EFL Textbook Unit Analysis
 2.4 Conclusion

Chapter3/Metadiscourse Analysis in Japanese and Chinese EFL Textbooks
 3.1 Introduction
 3.2 Adaptations to Crismore’s Methodology
 3.3 Examples of Metadiscourse Subtypes Found in EFL Textbooks
 3.4 Description of Steps Used for the Metadiscourse Analysis and Other Methodological Considerations
 3.5 Main Findings from the Metadiscourse and Non-Metadiscourse Analysis of Japanese and Chinese EFL Textbooks
 3.6 Discussion and Conclusion

Chapter4/Rhetorical Pattern Analysis in Japanese and Chinese EFL Textbooks
 4.1 Introduction
 4.2 Main Issues Related to Text Comprehensibility and Objectives of This Analysis
 4.3 Analysis Framework: Merits and Previous Experiments with Rhetorical Patterns
 4.4 Method for Analysis of EFL Textbooks
 4.5 Results
 4.6 Discussion of Results

Chapter5/Analysis of Practice Activities in Japanese and Chinese EFL Textbooks
 5.1 Introduction
 5.2 Overview of EFL Textbooks from the Viewpoint of Practice Activities
 5.3 General Aspects of Littlejohn’s Framework
 5.4 General Methodological Choices and Procedures
 5.5 Results
 5.6 Discussion of Results and Conclusion

Chapter6/Results of EFL Textbook Comparisons with the English Language Curricula of Japan & China
 6.1 Introduction
 6.2 Main Objectives of Textbook Contents According to the Curricula
 6.3 Summary of EFL Textbook Characteristics
 6.4 Adequacy of EFL Textbooks to the English Curricula of Japan and China
 6.5 Final Verdict: Balance of the Four Skills & the Role of L1 in EFL Education
 6.6 Applicability of the Analytical Framework of This Study

Chapter7/Towards an Approach for Enriching Learners’ Metalinguistic Awareness
 7.1 A Collaborative Approach for Enriching Metalinguistic Awareness
 7.2 Rationale Behind these Case Studies
 7.3 Action Research Initiatives Towards Metalinguistic Awareness Development
 7.4 Case Study of an English Class for Grade-7
 7.5 Case Study of a Foreign Language Activity Class for Grade-4
 7.6 Case Study of Online English Classes for Grade-7

 8.1 Conclusion: Changes and Prospects for Newly-Revised Textbooks


著者王林鋒 著
判型 A5